Color dialogue - One-on-one participatory conversation

Color Dialogue is a one-on-one exploration of colors between participants and the artist. Participants envision a color and proceed to describe it, whether in abstract terms or by recounting experiences associated with that particular color—any form of description is welcome. While listening to the participant's explanation, the artist blends colors based on their description. Once the artist feels they have arrived at the color the participant imagined, they show the blended color to the participant. From there, they continue to receive additional descriptions or engage in an ongoing exchange until both parties reach a mutual understanding (or find themselves in an unavoidable impasse).


作品が設置されている横にある壁面には、 “Using one slice, please cut the mountain. Give each part a name.”と書かれている。鑑賞者は粘土の山を切り取り、それぞれのパーツ(切ったものと切り取られたもの)に名前をつけ、パーツに直接名前を書いていく。山に書かれた名前は他の参加者が作品に参加するたびに切り取られ、消えていく。パーツについた名前は残り続ける。



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Cake Election