How to Make a Goat Stand on Its Feet, and More. (2017) Mirror, styrofoam, canvas, coffee, wire, aluminum, photo, paper clay, thread, fabric, picture (dimensions variable).

How to Make a Goat Stand on Its Feet, and More. is a work composed of performance, video, and installation. This piece is based on research into the experiences of Japanese immigrants to Brazil. The work began with the story of how local people referred to the tabi (traditional Japanese footwear) worn by Japanese carpenters attempting to build homes in rural areas as "goat feet." When humans try to understand something, they require a foundation of knowledge. In a new environment, the context is removed from the object, leading to a different understanding based on the new context. I believe that while an object’s true nature and how it is understood may seem like separate elements, neither can exist without the other. With this perspective in mind, I created this piece to metaphorically extend the potential meanings of the experiences of Japanese immigrants as revealed through my research.




Lack of Senses